It’s almost here. Graduation is right around the corner. As the date gets near, you’ll be thinking of ways to remember this season in your life. Cap and gown pictures, beyond the standard yearbook headshot where everyone looks the same, is a great way to show off your unique personality. It will also make a great keepsake memento to share with others.
Not Your Grandparents’ Senior Pictures

Hey, it’s the end of your senior year, why take it so seriously? Cap and gown pictures can be as formal or as goofy as you want. While the typical headshot is necessary for the yearbook, having a separate cap and gown session allows you to take control of how you will look. Have a certain style you’re going for? Is there a location you really like? A senior portrait session featuring your cap and gown is an excellent way to break the cookie cutter mold and stand out from the crowd.
The Cap And Gown Symbolizes Your Accomplishments

Wearing the cap and gown is significant. It means that you’re near the completion of something important. You may also have cords or stoles that signify an important accomplishment such as membership in an honor society. Having these in your cap and gown pictures lets others know about all your hard work and perseverance.
Include Family In Your Senior Pictures

Another great idea to commemorate your senior year is to include family in your cap and gown session. Bring along those who’ve supported you all these years so that you can celebrate together. You can have as many or as few family members as you want. The important thing is that you will want to preserve the memories of those who stood with you year after year.
Share Those Amazing Cap and Gown Pics Online

Okay, so we live in the digital age. Everything gets shared online. Well, just about everything. For those who are near or far, having some pics to share on social media let’s everyone join in on the celebration.
Because Your Senior Life Also Belongs In Print

Your photos were meant to be shared and enjoyed by yourself and others. It’s hard to do that when those amazing pics are tucked away on a thumb drive and never looked at. Printing out your cap and gown pictures is an excellent way to let others share in the joy and happiness you experience. It can be something as simple as 5×7 print. You could also go with a full album. Having something physical in your hands to show friends and loved ones makes sharing easy, as well as creating something to be passed down to others. Another benefit to printed products: no batteries required!
Work Props Into Your Cap And Gown Session
Why limit yourself to just your cap and gown? Make your portrait session uniquely you by incorporating some meaningful props into your photos.
Props could include things such as a car, a favorite pet, or a musical instrument. Play sports? Bring a ball or any other piece of equipment that you can work into your session
Customized Your Senior Photoshoot To Your Interests

It’s your photo session, so why not make it your own? Do you have a special spot with some significance? Do you have any hobbies that you could work into your portraits? Unlike yearbook pictures, your senior pictures featuring a cap and gown are completely yours to customize. Not sure how or what to include in your cap and gown session? We can help.
Cap and gown pictures are a right of passage for every graduate. It marks a transition time in your life in which you leave your school environment for the next stage in your life. This point in your life is important, and should be remembered in portrait form.
Ready to schedule your next senior session? Contact us today! We’d love to hear from you.